Denmark's largest "live" military event      

NEW....In connection with the event, we are working on arranging a direct bus for visitors from either Copenhagen or Sorø Station to Panzermuseum East

We look forward to seeing all of you happy visitors on September 7-8, 2024 for a fantastic and eventful weekend.

Military days is held in the scenic setting of Panzermuseum East. The weekend offers a wealth of historical experiences for the whole family. Military Days is located among the pine trees in the museum's lovely plantation where you move into the historical time pockets with a lot of military reenactment groups from several different countries who come with tents, armored and wheeled vehicles and lots of other gear. What they all have in common is that they are passionate about communicating their particular interests and perception of history.

On both Saturday and Sunday, there will be various demonstrations as well as sales stalls with different militaria, food, a beer tent, coffee and cake, etc.

List of exhibitors and reenactments for Military Days 2024 - list will be updated regularly

1. GHRVPK: Gardehusarernes Veteran Panser og Køretøjsforening. GHRVPK exhibits again this year strong with armored tracked and wheeled vehicles that have all been used by the Danish defense. GHRVPK also showcases camp life in the exhibition - Denmark
2. DMKF: Danish Military Historical Vehicle Association. DMKF exhibits many different variants of privately owned vehicles with associated equipment - Denmark
3. Vietnam Reenactments: Independent group under DMKF exhibits with American camp life in Vietnam - Denmark
4. Dansk Special Effekt Service: Specialized company responsible for shooting and blasting on the site. Organizes combat operations on the square - Denmark
5. Minolpirol (Ural Dresden): Large dedicated group from the Dresden area with many different East German Cold War vehicles (NVA, Grenztruppen, Vopo) and exciting reenactment and camp life. Participated in 2023 with a total of 16 vehicles - Germany
6. Ralf Koch Group: Larger group with many exciting different East and West Cold War wheeled vehicles. Setting up camp life - Germany
7. ExMod LR Dach: Large Cold War group with many vehicles, primarily Landrovers. Builds a huge and exciting camp with the largest camouflage cover on the site. Royal Air Force Police and Military Police and exhibition of radio equipment. British camp life - Germany
8. Anderslövs Repgubbar: Vehicle and reenactment group that presents Swedish camp life from the Cold War period in a beautiful and professional manner - Sweden
9. Nordvästre Skånes Dragoner: Vehicle and reenactment group that beautifully and professionally presents camp life from the Cold War period. The group also brings the fun Bandvagen 202 again this year - Sweden
10.Mr. and Miss Panzerbasse 2023: Fru Paw is once again organizing a big competition with the best and most original period costumes. The competition is aimed at both ordinary visitors who want to dress in clothing from around 1900 and up to 1991, and also for the best and most correct military attire among exhibitors - Denmark
Romhytten: The happy ladies sell quality spirits, gin and liqueurs from A.H.Riise.
12. The girls' coffee: "Kaffedamerne" serves coffee and cake like in the old days
13. Noach & Friends: The music group will once again provide live music on stage on Saturday night - Denmark
Ild I Piben (IIP): Military Hardball reenactment showing different types of equipment for use at major games and events. Military days marchals - Denmark
Ingemar Birgersson: Dodge Weapon Carrier, Volvo TGB and camp life - Sweden
16. Thomas Solvang gruppen; Vehicle group with a large number of rare cars, including Dodge Commandcar and Austin K2Y Ambulance and camp life - Norway
. Propagandakompanie 501; Photo reporters and filmmakers for Wehrmacht dealing with propaganda, reenactment/camp life - Germany
Militaria Collector: Sales stand with everything military related - Denmark
. AKVPK: Aalborg Kasernes Veteranpanser og Køretøjsforening. Participates with Cold War vehicles from the Danish army, including a heavy transport. Denmark
Lomax - Militaria: Shop with historical weapons, reenactment equipment and much more exciting Germany
21. "The
eye that saw": Author Ib Vagn Kristensen sells his own book about 42 years of service in the army. Also sells model tanks Denmark
22. Vintage Militærshoppen.DK: Sale of older Danish military effects and clothing Denmark

23 Army Truck Tom: Group of friends with older military vehicles, primarily Mercedes Unimog, who post their many experiences on YouTube. Germany

24.DDR Effects: Sale and display of many different effects from the DDR era Denmark 
25th Fronthistorisk Forening Danmark: FHF tells the story of the Danish Eastern Front volunteers and their life and daily life at 10,/SS-Pz
 Branch. Regiment 24 "Denmark".  During the battle demo, the association portrays 17./SS-Pz.Gren. Division "Götz von Berlichingen" Denmark   
26.Der Frontsoldat; Portrays the daily life of the German pioneer soldiers on the front line who create armored barrages with mines and
 making trenches.   Denmark
27.WK2Nord; infantry Wehrmacht and Kriegsberichter together with PK501 Germany
28.WW2 Reenactment; Group with vehicles and motorcycles showing German camp life and fighting on the Eastern Front. Organizes
combat actions on the square. Denmark
29. FrontVogt; Sales stand with various original militaria, uniforms and equioment from 1900-1924 Germany
30. Bolt Action DK; Bolt Action WW2 figure games, showgames and participant games in a larger tent Denmark
31. Farmhouse Vintage ; Sales stand with British army goods, clothing and footwear Germany
32. Dansk Militaria Forening; Association of persons with a technical and historical interest in studying, collecting and preserving weapons and militaria
weapons and militaria with emphasis on the historical conditions related to them - Denmark
33. End of Cold War; Large group of former Bundeswehr soldiers displaying training, tents, vehicles and much more from their time
serving during the Cold War. Germany
34. IMAS Level III; Sales stand with various militaria, helmets, badges, medals and much more.  Ireland-France
35. Pølsebrødet: Several nostalgic food trucks (Streetfood) Lots of delicious food and drinks
36. Parabike DK: Sells all kinds of militaria, CF, webbing, equipment, clothing and much more ..............
37. Formoza Reenactment: Cold War group that conveys the Polish 7th "Łużycka" Marine Division which according to plans should have 
attacked Zealand from the air and sea if the Cold War had heated up - Performing this year as live combat medics 
in the Museum's hospital ward.              Poland
38. Mats Bergall; WW2 US running display Sweden

Invitation to exhibitors at Military Days 6-7-8 September 2024

Join us for a fantastic weekend at Denmark's largest military history event with live communication. The place to meet lots of like-minded people from both Denmark and abroad.

All Danish and foreign military history associations, clubs, groups and individuals who showcase all kinds of military, medical and emergency history etc. up to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 can participate.

All types of military history exhibitions, including live presentations, are permitted in the exhibition area. We recommend that exhibitions and behavior around its dissemination is done in a historically correct, respectful and considerate manner.

Any disputes will be settled by the organizers whose decisions are final.

In the 17-hectare plantation area around Panzermuseum East, there is plenty of space for exhibiting vehicles, equipment, tents, camp life and much more. The many open areas between the trees provide the perfect opportunity to arrange the right environment for your presentation, and the area is also very public-friendly. It is also possible to drive in the area if you want to. Heavy vehicles are referred to the off-road track, but small vehicles such as jeeps and motorcycles are allowed to drive carefully among the guests in the exhibitor area. Marshals will be present for safety and instructions.

All exhibitors are very welcome to make their own displays/displays either in the assigned area where you have your camp or you can be in the main arena, except during the time of the scheduled war battles and vehicle displays.

It is free of charge to participate for all exhibitors who arrive as reenactment or in vehicles where all passengers display serious associated storytelling.

If you just show up in a military vehicle without proper attire, it's free for the driver + 1 passenger.

You can stay in the area from Wednesday, September 4 to Tuesday, September 10. Toilets and shower facilities will be available in the area.

If you need electricity for your camp, you must pay according to consumption according to the table under registration and electricity must be ordered when registering.

On Friday evening, there will be free communal dining and beer from 19:00 to 21:00. Communal dining is for everyone who participates on both Saturday and Sunday. Food tickets are handed out at registration. Music on Friday evening is with DJ.

On Saturday evening, there will once again be live music with the band Noach & Friends in the festival area for all exhibitors and other stallholders. Here you are responsible for your own meals. There are food stalls and of course the beer truck will also be on site. The square is closed to the public from 17.00 and there is plenty of opportunity to mingle with like-minded people.

On Saturday evening, as usual, Mr. and Mrs. Panzerbasse will be crowned, prizes will be awarded for the best active participants and a prize will be presented to the group that has driven the most kilometers to participate in Military Days.

Of course, it is also possible to have a sales stand and it is allowed to sell anything military-related. A large, cozy area is set aside for a dedicated marketplace surrounded by the actual exhibitor area. This year, all stallholders/sellers will have the first 5 m of frontage space free of charge. Additional frontage costs 150,- per m. total for both days.

For questions regarding registration, please contact Allan at

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Registration exhibitors/reenactments
Registration form for stallholders/vendors
Name and description /Nahme und Beschreibung/Name and description
Størrelse af stand/ Grösse des Standes/Seize of the booth

Bredde/Breide/ Width

Your stand must measure a minimum of 4 meters in width. As a starting point, all stands will have a depth of 3 meters, but additional depth can be added. The stand cannot be deeper than it is wide.

Dybde/Tiefe/Depth .

Tilvælg strøm her/Strohmversorgung hier zuwählen/Choose powersupply here

Receive flyers by post/ Flyers mit dem Post bekommen/ Flyers by postal delivery If you want to support History & Lifestyle and distribute flyers in your local area, we will send you a package by post immediately after registration.

List of exhibitors and reenactments that participated at the amazing Military Days 2023

1. DMKF: Dansk Militærhistorisk Køretøjsforening. DMKF udstiller med mange forskellige varianter af privatejede køretøjer med tilhørende grej – Denmark
2. GHRVPK: Gardehusarernes Veteran Panser og Køretøjsforening. GHRVPK udstiller stærkt med pansrede bælte og hjulkøretøjer som lastvogne og mindre køretøjer samt lejrliv – Denmark
3. WW2 Reenactment: Gruppe med køretøjer og motorcykler som fremviser tysk lejrliv og kamphandlinger på østfronten. Arrangerer kamphandlinger på       pladsen – Denmark
4. Dansk Special Effekt Service: Specialfirma som står for skydninger og sprængninger i forbindelse med diverse shows på pladsen. Arrangerer kamphandlinger på pladsen – Denmark
5. Vietnam Reenactments: Selvstændig gruppe under DMKF udstiller med Amerikansk lejrliv i Vietnam. – Denmark
6. Ralf Koch Group: Større gruppe med mange spændende forskellige øst og vest koldkrigs hjulkøretøjer. Opretter lejrliv – Germany
7. Propaganda Kompanie 501 Staffel K og WK2 Nord: War reporter Wehrmacht og SS reenactment – Germany
8. Ild I Piben (IIP): Militær Hardball reenactment viser forskellige typer af udrustning til brug ved større spil og events.  Military days marchals – Denmark
9. Mr. and Miss Panzerbasse 2023: Fru Paw arrangerer igen i år stor konkurrence med bedste og mest originale tidstypiske påklædning. Konkurrencen henvender sig både til alm. besøgende som har lyst at komme i påklædning fra omkring år 1900 og op til 1991, og også  til bedste og mest korrekte militære påklædning blandt de mange udstillere – Denmark
10. Stadeholdere; Parabike DK:  Sælger alle slags militaria, CF, webbing, udstyr, tøj mm.
11. Vintage Militærshoppen DK: Sælger alle slags militaria, CF , tøj, udstyr og meget mere
12. Pølsebrødet: Flere nostalgiske madvogne ( Streetfood) Masser af lækkert mad og drikke
13. FN Museet Veteranshoppen.DK: Sælger FN souvenirer etc.
14. Soldaterforsikring: Specialforsikring for Veteraner, aktive i Hjemmeværnet samt forsvaret
15. Romhytten: De glade damer sælger kvalitets Rom, Gin og Likører fra A.H.Riise
16. Pigernes kaffe: “Kaffedamerne” serverer kaffe og kage som i gamle dage
17. Army Truck Tom: Større gruppe af militær-køretøjsentusiaster som deler deres oplevelser fra forskellige store events på Youtube – Netherlands
18. Minolpirol (Ural Dresden): Større gruppe fra Dresden området med mange forskellige koldkrigskøretøjer (DDR NVA Grenztruppen, Vopo) og spændende reenactment samt lejrliv. Kører den lange vej fra Dresden med BRDM2 pansret hjulkøretøj med opsidende vognkommandør – Germany
19. AKVPK:
Deltager med koldkrigskøretøjer
20. Noach & Friends: Musikgruppen leverer igen i år levende musik på scenen lørdag aften – Denmark
21. Anderslövs Repgubbar:
Køretøjs og reenactment gruppe som flot og professionelt fremviser Svensk lejrliv fra Koldkrigsperioden – Sweden
22. Nordvästre Skånes Dragoner:
Køretøjs og reenactment gruppe som flot og professionelt fremviser lejrliv fra koldkrigsperioden. Gruppen medbringer også igen i år den sjove Bandvagen 202 – Sweden
23. Jan Klarskov: Vest koldkrig. Køretøjsgruppe med spændende teltlejr og reenactment. Medlem af Militærkøretøjs Klubben – Denmark
24.  Anker Sewohl butik: Salg af alt muligt militærrelateret udstyr – Denmark
25.  Non Nomen – Historisk formidling: Spetsnaz Systema demo med Sovjetiske våben og udstyr 1975- 1989 – Denmark
26.  Lomax – Militaria: Butik med historiske våben, udstyr og meget mere spændende – Germany
27.  WW2 Tommies: Dansk reenactmentgruppe. Formidler levende historie omhandlende britiske enheder 1914 til 1952. Formidler realistisk lejrliv med mange telte organiseret omkring skyttegrave. Deltager i kamphandlinger på pladsen. Enkelte køretøjer. – Denmark
28.  WW2 Yanks: 2. Verdenskrigs entusiaster som i form af “levende historie” prøver på, at gengive livet som amerikansk soldat eller civilist for perioden fra 1941 til krigens slutning i 1945. Stor gruppe med flot teltlejr og køretøjer. Deltager i kamphandlinger på pladsen – Denmark
29.  Formoza Reenactment: Koldkrigsgruppe som formidler den Polske  7th “Łużycka” Marine Division som efter planerne skulle have angrebet Sjælland fra luften og havet hvis den kolde krig var blevet varm – Poland
30.   Fronthistorisk Forening Danmark: Større WW2 gruppe som portrætterer perioden 1940-1945 med Danske frivillige på Østfronten – Denmark
31.   Dansk Militaria Forening:  Sammenslutning af personer med teknisk og historisk interesse for at studere, samle og bevare civile og militære våben, våben og militaria med vægt på de historiske forhold knyttet hertil – Denmark
32.   Privat køretøjsgruppe; Udstiller VW Jagtvogn 181, Jeep M38, Volvo ambulance, GD-240, Reo 623 samt lejrliv. Holder i fælles område – Denmark
33.   KM Modstandsgruppen: reenactment/formidlings gruppe som fortæller historien om den Danske modstandsbevægelses kamp mod den Tyske besættelsesmagt 1940-45.  Fremviser en masse effekter fra modstandsbevægelsen og bærer tidstypisk påklædning – Denmark
34.   West Coast Military: Reservedele m.m til militære veteranbiler – Sweden
35.  ExMod LR Dach: Cold War group. 5 vehicles, 4 x British Military Landrovers  1 x G. Wagon Royal Air Force Police og Military Police samt udstilling med radio-materiel. British camp life – Germany
37.  The Freislebens;  Lejr med Landrover Light Weight  og telt – Denmark
38. Lennart Eriksen; GD  290 – Sweden
39.  Dansk Koldkrigsforening; Formidler omkring Danmarks Civile Beredskab under den kolde krig – Denmark
40.  Grenzposten: Udstilling med kopi af østtysk grænseovergang med tårn. Liv på begge sider af grænsen – Denmark
41.  Thomas Solvang gruppen; Køretøjs gruppe med større antal biler, bl. andet Dodge Commandcar og Austin K2Y Ambulance samt lejrliv – Norway
42. Westfront 1916; Faghistorisk og pædagogisk formidling omkring livet i skyttegravene inder 1. verdenskrig. teltlejr og skyttegrave.  Denmark
43. Big Red One: Reenactment gruppe med køretøjer og lejrliv formidler 1st Infantry Division US ww2. Deltager i kamphandlinger.  Sweden/Denmark
44.  Tour De Power Wagon;  Gruppe med fremvisning af de legendariske Dodge Power Wagon – Norway
45.  5th. Rangers;  Lille WW2 udstilling – Sverige
46. MC gruppen;  Gruppe med militærhistoriske motorcykler – Denmark
47. Kurt Jensen; Udstiller MB GD og Nimbus. Medlem af Militærkøretøjsklubben – Denmark

List of exhibitors and reenactments that participated at the amazing Military Days 2022

  1. DMKF: Danish Military Historical Vehicle Association. DMKF exhibits many different variants of privately owned vehicles with associated equipment. Denmark
  2. GHRVPK: Gardehusarernes Veteran Armor and Vehicle Association. GHRVPK is a strong exhibitor with a total of 7 tracked vehicles as well as 1 truck and 5 small wheeled vehicles and camp life. Denmark
  3. WW2 Tommies: Danish reenactment group. Conveys living history of British units from 1914 to 1952. Conveys realistic camp life with many tents organized around trenches. Participates in battle actions on the site. A few vehicles. Denmark..........
  4. Anderslövs Repgubbar: Vehicle and reenactment group that beautifully showcases Swedish camp life in the Cold War period. Sweden
  5. Nordvästre Skånes Dragoner: Vehicle and reenactment group that beautifully showcases Swedish camp life in the Cold War period. Also brings the Bandvagen 202.............. Sweden
  6. Vietnam Reenactments: Independent group under DMKF exhibits with American camp life in Vietnam. Denmark
  7. The theater association The Third Reich: The group portrays as reenactments 170th infantry division, deutsches rotes kreuz, German officers and units during World War II. Participates in battle actions on the site. Denmark
  8. WW2 Reenactment: Group with vehicles and motorcycles showcasing German camp life and fighting on the Eastern Front. Organizes battle actions on the site. Denmark
  9. Dansk Militaria Forening; Interest organization with dissemination of various militaria and history (Saturday only).... Denmark.......
  10. Westfront 1916: Historical and educational information about life in the trenches during World War 1. Denmark
  11. Søren O. Sejersen: Encounters with several motorcycles with sidecar from ww2. Denmark
  12. Big Red One: Reenactment group with vehicles and camp life education around 1st Infantry Division US ww2. Participates in combat actions on the site. Sweden/Denmark
  13. Erik Falk: Swedish Air Force reenactment and vehicle, early 1980s. Sweden
  14. Stallholders traders food stalls etc............
  15. Parabike DK: Sells all kinds of militaria, CF, webbing, equipment, clothing and much more..............
  16. Vintage Militærshoppen DK: Sells all kinds of militaria, CF, clothing, equipment and much more.......................
  17. Pølsebrødet: More nostalgic food carts ( Streetfood) Lots of delicious food and drinks........................
  18. FN Museet Veteranshoppen.DK Sells UN souvenirs etc............
  19. Anker Sewohl Sells equipment and various militaria..........
  20. Kaffedamerne "Girls' Coffee" ; Coffee and cake like in the old days.................
  21. RumHytten; Sweets for adults. All types of Rum, Gin and Liqueurs from A.H.Riise............Denmark.................
  22. Kohorte (Wor Arts) Military art oilpainting and aquarelle paintings with military motives..............Germany.........
  23. Danish Militaria Association; shows various old weapons and uniforms.......
  24. Niels Pedersen; Book seller...............
  25. Sikringsstyrken 1914-18: Dissemination and display of equipment, tents and weapons from the Danish army 1890-1920. Denmark...............
  26. Regiment; Reenactment group. Portrays, among other things, the core of the 416 infantry division "Festungs-Grenadier Regiment 713" the German occupation troops 1942-44 Participating in combat actions on the site. Denmark
  27. Fronthistorisk Forening; Portrays front life as a Danish volunteer in SS-Panzergrenadier regiment 24 "Denmark" 1943-45 Participates in combat actions on the site. Denmark.................
  28. Dansk Special Effekt Service; Special company responsible for shooting and blasting in connection with various shovs on the site. Arranges combat actions on the site. Denmark...........
  29. Fire In The Pipe (IIP) Military Hardball reenactment shows different types of equipment for use at major games and events. Denmark...............
  30. Ralf Koch Group: Larger group with many exciting different East and West Cold War wheeled vehicles. Creates camp life...............Germany.....
  31. Guy Langham-Hill: 2 x British Military Landrovers. Royal Air Force Police and Military Police and radio equipment display.....UnitedKingdom...
  32. WW2 Yanks: 2. World War II enthusiasts who, in the form of "living history", try to reproduce the life of an American soldier or civilian for the period from 1941 to the end of the war in 1945. Tent camp and vehicles.....................Denmark..........
  33. JG5 "Eismeer": JG5 "Eismeer" is a reenactment group that conveys German airfield camp life 1941-1944 with pilots and crews/personnel as well as various Lufwaffe vehicles..Sweden...................
  34. Mr. and Miss Panzerbasse 2022: Mrs. Paw is organizing a big competition for the best and most original period clothing. The competition is aimed at both general visitors who want to dress in clothing from around 1900 up to 1991, and also for the best and most correct military attire among the many exhibitors......Denmark..................
  35. ExMoD LR DACH; Cold War group with Landrovers and more. Showing vehicles and camp life British Army..........Germany..............
  36. Panzerteam.DK; Group with display of miniature tanks in size 1/6 Participating with 14 vehicles from Denmark, Sweden and Germany........
  37. WK2Nord; Display with Red Army Soviet Soldier 1943-45...............Germany...............
  38. Ural Dresden; Larger group from Dresden with Cold War vehicles (DDR NVA) participate this year with 5 vehicles and camplife.......Germany......
  39. Panzer Club Denmark; Group with display of miniature tanks in size 1/16......Denmark............
  40. NON NOMEN; Information about Spetsnaz and Systema during the USSR including display of all types of Kalashnikov. Only on Saturdays..Denmark...
  41. 5th. Rangers; Small WW2 exhibition..........Sweden..............
  42. Smålands Militärhistorisk Forening; Small Warsaw Pact exhibition.........Sweden.....
  43. HMKF Camp Jalla; Dodge WC57 Command car ............Norge..........


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PanzerMuseum East

Fladholtevej 18
4200 Slagelse
Tel. 20259048

Opening hours

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