PanzerMuseum East
Fladholtevej 18
4200 Slagelse
Gruppe: Landsted
Nr. 524
Tlf. 2025 9048
GPS: N 55 20 59 E 11 30 20
Pris: 1 x overnatning Uden strøm kr. 105,00 (15,00 Euro). Med strøm fra maj til september kr. 140,00 (20,00 Euro) Med strøm fra oktober til april 180,00 (25 Euro)
17 ha. beautiful and very quiet park/plantation area with paved paths and roads to 6 lakes
If you arrive outside the museum's opening hours 10.00-16.00, please call 20259048 for directions.
There is power on site (max. 10 amps)
Emptying option for chemical toilet 25m from the pitch (not gray water).
Drinking water is available at the outdoor flushing point and there is a pull-out toilet in the forest toilet 150m from the campsite.
Prices do not include any museum entrance fees.
E-mail: allan@panzermuseumeast.dk
OBS: Camper parkering er lukket December, Januar og Februar.

PanzerMuseum East
Fladholtevej 18
4200 Slagelse
Tel. 20259048
Opening hours
See opening hours - click here