Tracked vehicles:
- T72: Czechoslovakian license-built Soviet tank. Denmark's largest privately owned tank.
- T55 AM2: Hungarian license-built Soviet tank.
- BMP1: Soviet amphibious armored infantry fighting vehicle.
- OT90: Soviet amphibious armored personnel carrier.
- SNAR-10: Soviet long-range radar fire control unit. On MT-LB chassis.
- FV432 MK2: English armored personnel carrier.
- FV439: English armored radio/beacon truck.
- T34-85 : Soviet tank from 1943.
- Gvozdika 2S1: Soviet 122 mm. self-propelled artillery.
- 2P24: Launch pad of the Krug 2K11 system for the 3M8 ground-to-air missile.NATO name: SA-4 Ganef.
- 1S12: Search radar in the Krug 2K11 system . NATO name: P-40 Long track .
- PT-76: Soviet amphibious assault vehicle.
Armored wheeled vehicles:
- OT64-SKOT R2M: Czechoslovakian/Polish amphibious command vehicle.
- BRDM 2-9P131: Soviet amphibious missile vehicle with AT-3 missiles. NATO name: Sagger.
- BRDM 2 "Reconnaissance": Soviet amphibious reconnaissance vehicle.
- BRDM 2- RKhB: Soviet amphibious ABC tracking vehicle.
- BTR 60-PU-12: Soviet amphibious air defense command vehicle.
- PRAGA M 53/59 "The Lizard": Czechoslovakian 30 mm twin anti-aircraft gun.
- DANA VZOR 77 152 mm: Czechoslovakian self-propelled artillery.
The truck collection, which counts more than 20 pieces, includes:
- Tatra 815: articulated haulers
- Praga V3S in multiple variants
- ZIL 130
- ZIL 131
- STAR 266
- STAR 660 complete field bakery
- STAR 660 complete field hospital
- URAL 375D: fuel transportation
- URAL 375D: complete radar vehicle/firewire
- GAZ 66
- ROBUR LO 2002 A KSA: Kommando-Stabs-Aufbau (with fold-out sides). Only 285 of these were produced, the vast majority of which have been lost.
- ROBUR LO 2002 A RKE : Rundfunk-Kino-Einrichtung - very rare propaganda vehicle.
- IFA W50
- Bedford RLG
Small wheeled vehicles:
- LUAZ 967: Soviet amphibious transport vehicle.
- UAZ 469: Soviet reconnaissance vehicle ("Soviet Jeep").
- Trabant: Bucket truck border control car.
- Tatra 4×4 : communication vehicle.
- GAZ 69: Soviet 4×4 all-terrain vehicle.
- UAZ 452T: Fire control unit for artillery, armor and missiles.
- URAL 650 CCM: Soviet motorcycle with sidecar.
- MZ 250 NVA: orderly motorcycle.
- MZ 250: Volkspolizei, VOPO, patrol motorcycle.
- Dnepr 750 CCM: Soviet motorcycle with sidecar
- M1931/37(A-19): Russian 122mm cannon
- M34: Swedish Bofors 10.5cm cannon
- Cannon S60: 58mm. Polish anti-aircraft gun
PanzerMuseum East
Fladholtevej 18
4200 Slagelse
Tel. 20259048
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